STEP ON NO PETS (2024). Videostill

Till Bödeker

based in Düsseldorf (DE)

> [email protected] <


2016–2024: Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Class Rita McBride
2014–present: Philosophy & German Literature, Heinrich-Heine-Universität

exhibitions (selection)
3.7.–7.7.2024 STEP ON NO PETS, Graduation Show @Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Hörsaal R224
19.3–14.4.2024 Coenose @Malkasten, Düsseldorf
22.12.–31.12.2023 CHE$$ @Weiden Space, Düsseldorf
11.7.–16.7.2023 OTHER AI @Loebe Block, Berlin, curated by Marc Bredemeier
18.6.2022 “What about the Senses?“ – Schule des Erlebens by Ben J. Riepe
10–11/2021 from zero to her:o – @ZERO foundation, Düsseldorf, curated by Wen Bi
9/2021 Whiteboard 24.52 01.23 – PALACE, Düsseldorf
7/2021 3rd-SPACE.EU/rope – Frankopan Castle, Kraljevica, Croatia
11–12/2020 Test Chamber: Isolation @Nails Projectroom, Düsseldorf
9–11/2020 74. Internationale Bergische Kunstausstellung – Kunstmuseum Solingen
5/2019 Fluide Mediale – Studio for Artistic Research, Düsseldorf, curated by Stephan Machac
11/2018 Île Flottante – Architectural Intervention: British Pavilion, 16th Venice Architecture Biennale; with students from classes of Rita McBride, John Morgan, Donatella Fioretti

scholarships & awards
2021 Reisestipendium, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf ‚
02/2021 Deutschlandstipendium of the Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf e.V.
03/2021 Kunstförderpreis der Stadt Neuss
02/2020 Deutschlandstipendium

projects (selection)
since 12/2023 Offspace/Kunstraum Weiden Space with Dingliu Yang & Yang Liuxizi, Düsseldorf 

10–12/2023 Projektteam 250 Jahre Kunstakademie, LED-Screen Kö-Bogen II
since 7/2023 w/k lectures – talk and discussion series on art & science, organised together with Prof. Markus Schrenk & Prof. Peter Tepe
since 8/2020 What is Proprioceptive Art? Research Project with Prof. Markus Schrenk, Institute for Philosophy, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
since 8/2018 Editor-in-chief of the online journal w/k – Between Science & Art
9/2019–09/2022 SPARTA Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
10/2020–2022 “…each grows stronger when nourished by the other.“ Collaborative research project with ZERO Foundation, MIT Museum Studio & Compton Gallery of MIT Cambridge

project with ZERO Foundation, MIT Museum Studio & Compton Gallery of MIT Cambridge

Pictures by Tangting Li (Zhou Li)